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Smoke Control Areas in Brighton
Brighton Smoke Controlled Areas
Brighton has five Smoke Control Areas covering much of the Hanover, Lewes Road, Bevendean and the City Centre areas. There are no Smoke Control Areas in Hove.
This map shows the location of Smoke Control Areas (SCA) declared under the Clean Air Act.
An interactive map of the Brighton areas can be viewed at
Open Household Fireplaces
In a Smoke Control Area you can only burn smokeless approved fuels. Note that wood is not an approved fuel in any form (logs, chips and pellets). If you are not in a Smoke Control Area you can burn any fuel as long as you do not create excessive smoke or odour that may cause a nuisance to neighbours.
Stoves & Boilers
In a Smoke Control Area you must only use exempt appliances if you wish to burn wood. These appliances have passed tests to ensure that they can burn fuels very efficiently without emitting too much smoke. Note that an exempt appliance will only be exempt for particular fuels. For example, if the appliance is only exempt for burning wood you must not use it to burn coal. If your stove or boiler is not an exempt appliance you must use an approved smokeless fuel.
Bonfires, Chimineas and BBQs
Chimineas and BBQs are allowed in all areas of the city, including Smoke Control Areas, but please show consideration to your neighbours and do not create excessive smoke or odour. Bonfires are also allowed as long as you do not burn commercial or household waste.
Outside of Smoke Control Areas
If you are not in a Smoke Control Area you are free to use any heating fuel or appliance, as long as you do not create excessive smoke or odour nuisance for your neighbours. However, please remember that Brighton & Hove is a densely populated city, and air quality can sometimes be poor. You may wish to observe the guidelines of Smoke Control Areas to minimise pollution, even if you do not live in or close to these areas.
Further Details can be found at: